Maintain Healthy Hair Through Your Food!
I don't know about you, but in my experience it is extremely difficult to eat a well balanced diet. Many times our hectic schedules and cravings get in the way of getting out recommended daily allowances (RDA's). We all know what that can mean for our waistlines, but did you know it can cause problems for our hairlines also? Malnutrition often leads to many hair loss conditions and several other related problems. These include anything from thinning and receding hairlines to brittle and weak strands. This is not to say that all cases of hair loss are directly related to your diet because there are many other contributing factors. It is essential however to have a good balance of nutrients to create a truly healthy head of hair. Here are some helpful hints and tips to maintain your beautiful locks!
Loading up on foods rich in Vitamin C and E helps promote good circulation throughout all areas of the body, including the scalp. Vitamin C in particular is used in the uptake of iron and the synthesis of collagen, which is vital for a healthy circulatory system. These vitamins are especially effective when consumed together, and are useful when taken alongside medication for preventing baldness.
It is important to make sure you are eating enough protein. Hair is primarily composed of the protein keratin, so a lack of protein in your diet can cause hair loss. Meat eaters and vegetarians who consume some animal byproducts such as eggs will get all the protein they need, while vegans will need to consume pulses and certain amino acid-rich grains. Boost your intake of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene. These elements can be found in a wide-range of fruit and vegetables and help to promote healthy cell growth.
You should also consume plenty of B-Vitamin sources. Vitamins B5 (pyridoxine), B6 (biotin), and B7 (pantothenic acid) are especially important, as they are all thought to specifically benefit your hair. You should try to get the correct amounts of Copper and Zinc which in trace amounts can increase the thickness and intensity of colour in your hair. Too much copper, however, is toxic, so be sure to check your RDAs and make sure you’re ingesting a healthy amount. Avoid iron deficiency – it is a very common cause of hair loss, particularly in pre-menopausal women. If iron levels to dip to unhealthy levels, this will reduce the amount of oxygen available for hair follicles. This means whether you’re a man or a woman, it is very important to keep your iron levels high by eating plenty of lean red meat and leafy-green vegetables. You can also supplement your diet with vitamins, however nutrition is always best met by consuming the foods that contain the nutrients themselves.
If you change your diet and you are still seeing hair loss or other related problems, you should always consult your physician. I hope these tips have helped you!